Ryan and I have ventured to Ohio. This trip has had multiple destinations. We started our trip towards Athens, Ohio. This is where I attended college for four years. During my years there I became a part of Phi Mu Fraternity. My trip to OU was to say good bye to our beloved house. The chapter has been closed for multiple years and now the National board has decided to sell the house. Ryan and I met up with some former friends from my years there. It was a lot of fun to see them. We tracked through the house together and fought our ways to claim some of the items to remember the house. If anyone from our pledge class is wondering where the scrap book is, I have it.
After our day in Athens, we drove north to Cleveland to stay with my sister. Ryan and I became involved in another sad event. We had to say good bye to my Ohio Mom. Pam Rickel. Pam passed away 8-5-09 after a long and harrowing battle with pulmonary fibrous. Her battle was heroic and she is finally at rest. I will miss her greatly as she always had a jello-jiggler and a rice krispy treat for us. Ryan and I drove back and forth from Stow and Cleveland for the wake and funeral. Our trip has been bittersweet, marked with good friends and unfortunate circumstances. We must come this way more often to allude these circumstances.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Renee
This is a Happy Birthday wish to Renee. She can use all the good thoughts, wishes, and prayers for the hap-happiest birthdays. Happy Birthday to you Love.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thoughts and Prayers
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers a dear friend of mine. My college roommates Mom is going through a very rough time in her life. She was moved to hospice care today. We are praying for her, her relief and peace from the immense pain and suffering that she has been enduring especially of late. Pam, may God keep you and bless you.
Tooth Watch '09
When does a tooth officially arrive? That is the question that I have been asking for sometime. Well maybe actually a week. The tooth is coming in for sure. I was bitten today 2x. It is a sharp little guy. However it is not very visible unless you are bitten, or you know what you are looking for. I think I am going to go with the theory that a tooth is considered "in" when it is visible to all, meaning fully in place. Hence, the tooth watch will continue.
Mother's Day 2009 Dinner
Mother's Day festivities concluded with a nice dinner at home. Everyone pitched in to create the meal. Ryan joins us at the table these days for dinner. He likes to eat his dinner and or watch us eat ours. Last night he did not quite make it through his dinner and passed out. We all had a good laugh watching him literally take a bite, lean over, and fall asleep. Therefore, we leaned him back a little in his chair, let him sleep, and continued on with dinner. He really did not notice the difference.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tooth Watch Continues
While there has been a tooth spotted, it is slowly working its way into the world. I am guessing that the worse part is the cutting of the gum, and I really hope that that is true because I hate to imagine Ryan in any pain or discomfort. Friends and people that I have talked with have said that suddenly the tooth was there in their kids' mouth. I wonder if anyone has experienced the long drawn out tooth. How can it suddenly be there? I know a watched pot never boils, but were these other people not watching their pots?
Happy Mother's Day 2009
This is my first Mother's Day. And truth be told, it feels like most other days. Except Ryan woke up only one time last night/ this morning. I had more hours of sleep in a row then I have had in awhile. Now that is a gift.
We all went to breakfast at our annual Mother's Day place. Grandparents, Great Aunt, Mom, Dad and baby. It was a fairly smooth experience and the meal went very well. It is all about having the right toys or objects.
Friday, May 8, 2009
He Does Like Sport Balls!
Justin always worries or comments that I take Ryan to too many girly activities. He is always hanging out with the women in the knitting shop, taking crocheting lessons, going shopping, or aerobics with Mom. Yesterday Ryan was introduced to a ball. His first one. It was even blue. He loved it. It tasted like rubber, it was light weight, easy to pick up with two hands, and WOW was it fun! I guess you could say it was love at first sight.
Tooth spotting
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tooth Watch '09
Tooth watch '09 continues. Last night Ryan was complaining and we discovered a tiny little slit in his mouth. It was a tooth line. Teeth are coming!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tooth Watch '09
Just when I thought we were reaching a point, something new comes around the corner. We have been teething, but nothing has appeared. Today there is a ridge/bump that is trying to push its way up and out. Ryan has been fairly mellow for the whole experience I am worried that he will suddenly become a screaming crying mess.
6 months going on 7
Ryan is 6 months and now working towards 7 months old.
He is happy, healthy, and most certainly all boy. He loves the dogs and lights up the room with his smile when he sees either Codi or Richie. Once upon a time those smiles were just for us. Now a days he shares his smiles with others. I am trying to capture one on the camera, but when the camera comes out it is never quick enough to catch the smile.
Ryan had his 6 month check up on 4/27 and the Dr. said I worry too much. Ryan is perfect in every way. We discussed sun protection for the up and coming summer, sun filled months. Ryan weighed in at 15.9 lbs. & is 27.5 inches long. His form of moving is rolling around. He rolls e v e r y w h e r e. He has also started some solid foods. We started with cereal, then moved to carrots. One day early this week I thought I would be brilliant and mix the carrots with the cereal. It was not such a brilliant move, he did not like them and refused to eat. His first "not-wanting-to-eat" moment. Otherwise he loves eating, the motion of the spoon coming to his mouth, the spoon going into his mouth. HE LOVES IT. Dinner time is always an adventure now.
He is happy, healthy, and most certainly all boy. He loves the dogs and lights up the room with his smile when he sees either Codi or Richie. Once upon a time those smiles were just for us. Now a days he shares his smiles with others. I am trying to capture one on the camera, but when the camera comes out it is never quick enough to catch the smile.
Ryan had his 6 month check up on 4/27 and the Dr. said I worry too much. Ryan is perfect in every way. We discussed sun protection for the up and coming summer, sun filled months. Ryan weighed in at 15.9 lbs. & is 27.5 inches long. His form of moving is rolling around. He rolls e v e r y w h e r e. He has also started some solid foods. We started with cereal, then moved to carrots. One day early this week I thought I would be brilliant and mix the carrots with the cereal. It was not such a brilliant move, he did not like them and refused to eat. His first "not-wanting-to-eat" moment. Otherwise he loves eating, the motion of the spoon coming to his mouth, the spoon going into his mouth. HE LOVES IT. Dinner time is always an adventure now.
In Awe
I am in awe how people who juggle more than I do on a daily basis find time to update and write in their blogs. I try and think of topics, yet never quite find the time to sit down and creat an entry. And when I do, it might be 5 on one day. Is this defeating the purpose of a blog? I am not sure.
Well I know that today is not really 5-5-2009, but yesterday was. Yesterday marked the 2 year anniversary of our marriage. Justin and I have been married two official years, no matter which way I say it, it has gone by quickly. We have also added to our family. We are changing, evolving, growing, and loving every minute of it. Justin and I had such a nice evening together as a family, the 5 of us (Codi and Richie too). We stayed in and enjoyed a home cooked meal by me, Ryan was in a great mood, and we all had a nice dinner together.
Well I know that today is not really 5-5-2009, but yesterday was. Yesterday marked the 2 year anniversary of our marriage. Justin and I have been married two official years, no matter which way I say it, it has gone by quickly. We have also added to our family. We are changing, evolving, growing, and loving every minute of it. Justin and I had such a nice evening together as a family, the 5 of us (Codi and Richie too). We stayed in and enjoyed a home cooked meal by me, Ryan was in a great mood, and we all had a nice dinner together.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
R & R
R & R, right? Rest and relaxation? Not quite.
R & R stand for raspberries and rolling. Two monumental events this week. Ryan has been rolling quite well for some time now. However today he is loose and across the room. He is out and about rolling around. It is a means to get from point A to point B and is he ever proud of himself.
Raspberries are a common sound/ noise/ expression. And he loves them! Thinking that they are the funniest thing on the face of the planet.
R & R stand for raspberries and rolling. Two monumental events this week. Ryan has been rolling quite well for some time now. However today he is loose and across the room. He is out and about rolling around. It is a means to get from point A to point B and is he ever proud of himself.
Raspberries are a common sound/ noise/ expression. And he loves them! Thinking that they are the funniest thing on the face of the planet.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Flying Feet
Flying feet are one my most favorite things. When I am able to get up in the morning with out waking up Ryan, I proceed to do a few things, whatever that I can accomplish. Sometimes I am answering emails and doing research on the computer and I look across the hall to check on Ryan. That is when I see flying feet. Two little feet or two little hands sticking up in the air, moving all around. Quiet time is over. :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Busy Day
I have been feeling bad in regards to the dogs since the baby came along. They were suddenly not the center of the universe. To Codi it was no big deal, however Richie has had a harder time adapting and he has let us know in multiple ways. I know that Codi misses her car rides, and we do not go many places where she can go now. Today I scheduled the dogs' appointments on the same day so they could both have the experience of getting out of the house and going somewhere with out feeling left behind. Of course both outings are not going to be fun for either one. Richie is going to the groomer (he is a mess and over due) and Codi is going for her yearly check up. Do you know that they want to collect urine from a senior dog? Do you know what the entails? Have you ever collected urine from a dog? I do not know if collecting urine from a female dog would be easier than collecting urine from a male dog? Codi is female and that is my only experience. The positive is that she tries to go about 20x while being outside. It allows for ample opportunities. Crazy day. No one wants to be left behind, no one is going to want to go where they are going.
Upside down Sleeper
My son is an upside down sleeper. For what ever reason when he sleeps in my arms he likes a particular "L" shaped position with his head down. I can not explain it, but this is how it is. All I can do is shake my head in wonder.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sundays bring an extra set of arms and hands around the house. It is also known as family day. Bottom line is that I get the chance to vaccuum, dust a little, and take the longer shower instead of jumping in, getting wet, listen for the baby, hear the baby, jump out of the shower. The question is what to accomplish today?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Baby Gymnastics
Baby Gymnastics, they are truly amazing. I am watching Ryan roll over, change direction in mid air and completely rotate himself around. Unbelievable. He is talented.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Pictures I promised
4 Month Check Up
We have reached the 4 month mark with Ryan.
He is so big. I can not believe it. Actually he is so very long. His check up came with glowing reviews. The boy is growing like a weed and healthy as a horse!
He is 26 1/4" long, 14 lb 8 oz. He even wears 6 month old clothes. We can not keep him in clothes either. The boy rolls over one way, talks non-stop, eats, plays, and loves life. He is a very happy baby.
He is so big. I can not believe it. Actually he is so very long. His check up came with glowing reviews. The boy is growing like a weed and healthy as a horse!
He is 26 1/4" long, 14 lb 8 oz. He even wears 6 month old clothes. We can not keep him in clothes either. The boy rolls over one way, talks non-stop, eats, plays, and loves life. He is a very happy baby.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
It has been almost one month since I have posted last. I am not even sure where my mind was on January 16th, 2009.
Life is going wonderfully. Ryan is getting so big. He smiles now, he makes noises that make me think of what a peterdactyll would sound like, he grabs objects, places whatever he can in his mouth, and so much more.
Valentine's Day became a weekend event. Justin and I decided to have our first family dinner out at a restaurant on Friday night. Friday was chosen to avoid the true Valentine's Day crowds and waits. We did not know how the excursion would go. Friday arrived, the restaurant, time, and even outfits were chosen. I was on pins and needles because Ryan did not nap well that day. He could turn at any moment. We arrived at our destination, they had a table for us in the back room (I was wondering if this was on purpose) with a high chair. Our waiter recited the menu specials to Ryan's joy. (He was entranced and completely entertained) I hope that the waiter was not bother by our laughter, we were not laughing at him. It was a sight to see the baby taking in every word about the specials on the menu. You understand, a parents delight at something, anything that tickles their fancy regarding their child. The service was fast, which was in our favor and those sitting around us. We had dinner, a glass of wine, an appetizer, salad, of course not quite in that order, and we were out the door. Whoosh. We were that fast. About 36 minutes. Talk about turning a table. No harm, no foul, smooth sailing.
Now on real Valentine's Day we headed for my parents' house. Dinner there out did any meal that could ever be prepared by any restaurant. Surf and turf. Ryan in a swing chair by the table, joining us and playing with some of his toys. It was a good weekend of meals for all.
Life is going wonderfully. Ryan is getting so big. He smiles now, he makes noises that make me think of what a peterdactyll would sound like, he grabs objects, places whatever he can in his mouth, and so much more.
Valentine's Day became a weekend event. Justin and I decided to have our first family dinner out at a restaurant on Friday night. Friday was chosen to avoid the true Valentine's Day crowds and waits. We did not know how the excursion would go. Friday arrived, the restaurant, time, and even outfits were chosen. I was on pins and needles because Ryan did not nap well that day. He could turn at any moment. We arrived at our destination, they had a table for us in the back room (I was wondering if this was on purpose) with a high chair. Our waiter recited the menu specials to Ryan's joy. (He was entranced and completely entertained) I hope that the waiter was not bother by our laughter, we were not laughing at him. It was a sight to see the baby taking in every word about the specials on the menu. You understand, a parents delight at something, anything that tickles their fancy regarding their child. The service was fast, which was in our favor and those sitting around us. We had dinner, a glass of wine, an appetizer, salad, of course not quite in that order, and we were out the door. Whoosh. We were that fast. About 36 minutes. Talk about turning a table. No harm, no foul, smooth sailing.
Now on real Valentine's Day we headed for my parents' house. Dinner there out did any meal that could ever be prepared by any restaurant. Surf and turf. Ryan in a swing chair by the table, joining us and playing with some of his toys. It was a good weekend of meals for all.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Cold weather
We have been trapped in the house this week with sub zero temperatures. Today I broke us out of confinement and braved the negative temperatures to trade in shoes for Ryan and get us some food. Ryan was a hit at the grocery store and he seemed to not mind the shopping experience.
With the weather so cold, tummy time is out of the picture. Our floor can be drafty and not a place for a baby. Even the dogs take to the higher ground of beds, couches and chairs. Ryan does have good control of his head but more tummy time is in his future. Today he was very interested in doing pull ups. He sits on my stomach with his back resting on my knees(he is in the sitting position) and uses my fingers to pull himself up and away from my knees. He wanted to be sitting by himself or unsupported. It is a common occurance. He likes to look around.
I can not wait until spring. The chance to be outside, not have to worry about being bundled up all the time, did I say the chance to be outside? I can not wait to be walking around the neighborhood, using the park down the block, and getting some good vitamin D.
With the weather so cold, tummy time is out of the picture. Our floor can be drafty and not a place for a baby. Even the dogs take to the higher ground of beds, couches and chairs. Ryan does have good control of his head but more tummy time is in his future. Today he was very interested in doing pull ups. He sits on my stomach with his back resting on my knees(he is in the sitting position) and uses my fingers to pull himself up and away from my knees. He wanted to be sitting by himself or unsupported. It is a common occurance. He likes to look around.
I can not wait until spring. The chance to be outside, not have to worry about being bundled up all the time, did I say the chance to be outside? I can not wait to be walking around the neighborhood, using the park down the block, and getting some good vitamin D.
Some Sleep
I have not blogged in some time. I could not tell you where the days have gone. They just seem to go. Ryan is growing like a weed. He is so long, some outfits that he wears are 6 month old clothes! And the feet, I am still hung up on the size of his feet. Uncle Eric gave him shoes for Christmas and I had to exchange them for size three, just for a little growing room.
At three months Ryan is not sleeping through the night nor is he sleeping by himself. We are making progress in both columns. He slept this past week in his crib for 30 minutes. He did wake up mad. At night he is sleeping longer periods of time. It all depends on the activity during the day and each day is different.
Ryan has found his hands and he seems to enjoy putting his right hand in his mouth and some days that is not enough, he needs to try and fit both in there.
He is a joy and not so much of a trial. His days are full of smiles and wonder. He looks around and takes so much in. It seems that as long as I am around a new environment is a place to take in. And as long as he can eat when he wants to, its a party!
New environments include a mom's group that we attend. There we socialize with other new moms and their babies. The kids are from the ages of a couple of months to the stage of crawling. Once a child can crawl they are asked to no longer attend the group. So far we are enjoying this experience and the chance to socialize. Ryan had his eye on the little red-haired girl the last time we attended.
Other events in our life include strollerobics. It is more for me than him, but he gets to come along. This is fairly new and we are working out the kinks, such as I need a very supportive bra and the realization that working out is hard even if it is low impact. Ah the journey back to being fit and hopefully my old clothes. I am eternally hopeful.
At three months Ryan is not sleeping through the night nor is he sleeping by himself. We are making progress in both columns. He slept this past week in his crib for 30 minutes. He did wake up mad. At night he is sleeping longer periods of time. It all depends on the activity during the day and each day is different.
Ryan has found his hands and he seems to enjoy putting his right hand in his mouth and some days that is not enough, he needs to try and fit both in there.
He is a joy and not so much of a trial. His days are full of smiles and wonder. He looks around and takes so much in. It seems that as long as I am around a new environment is a place to take in. And as long as he can eat when he wants to, its a party!
New environments include a mom's group that we attend. There we socialize with other new moms and their babies. The kids are from the ages of a couple of months to the stage of crawling. Once a child can crawl they are asked to no longer attend the group. So far we are enjoying this experience and the chance to socialize. Ryan had his eye on the little red-haired girl the last time we attended.
Other events in our life include strollerobics. It is more for me than him, but he gets to come along. This is fairly new and we are working out the kinks, such as I need a very supportive bra and the realization that working out is hard even if it is low impact. Ah the journey back to being fit and hopefully my old clothes. I am eternally hopeful.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tiny Miracles
I am experiencing a tiny miracle. They have been popping up all over the place today. After having a fussy night last night and a rough morning, Ryan decided to nap in his car seat before we even made it to the car this morning. He continued to sleep at the meeting I attended. (he did wake up eventually, which is fine and good). But back to sleep he went, in the car seat, at the meeting after he ate! Amazing. After spending the day out, we arrived home and he ate and was sleeping in my arms as ususal. I got up to go and feed the dogs, Ryan woke, and I placed him in his bouncy seat, then continued to feed the dogs, when I went back to check on him (silence can be scary) he was fast asleep in his chair. This is going on right now. I am amazed and hoping by all hope that we have turned a corner and he may start to sleep by himself. I am also hoping that I do not jinx myself.
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